Since we decided to spend Christmas in New Mexico this year we let the kids open up their presents at home the evening before we left. Zach absolutely loved his MP3 player and the Wii Donkey Kong my brother got him. When he plays it, Chris is right beside him with the other remote shaking it just as hard convinced that he is helping his "bubba" fight through whatever task he is working on. Christopher received a little tool bench and a box of alphabet books which I think he plays with just about every other day. He loves to look at the pictures and he can consistently recognize the first three letters of his name now. Christopher also got his first set of wheels and he loves to ride around the house with his hot wheels stored in the back. The best gift of all was seeing Zach's reaction to telling him that we were going to New Mexico for Christmas. We asked him how he thought we might get there and these were some of his replies...airplane-no, limo-no, taxi-no, we finally had to tell him by train. It was so funny watching him guess.