Wow it seems like forever ago since we had her, but we are still announcing her!! Our baby girl was born May 04, 2010 at 9:41 am. She weighed in at 7lb 1oz and was 19 inches. We are so thankful the she was healthy and were very surprised she weighed as much as she did since she was three weeks early. During my 33rd week I was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia and was hospitalized for a week. Every time I turned around the doctors were telling me they might have to deliver and it was very hard. Steve and I were scared for Leah and it was hard for Christopher and Zachary. Our faith kept us strong and we got through it with much prayer from family and friends. I finally convinced the doctors to send me home on bed rest....which turned out to be couch rest. By week 37 the doctors thought it would be best to go ahead and deliver our baby girl. We were so excited to finally meet her. She is such a joy!